Water Quality Assessment and Climate History of Selected Ponds and Streams on Banks Island

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, water quality, climate change

chercheur principal: Smol, John P (7)
Nᵒ de permis: 13107
Organisation: Queen's University
Année(s) de permis: 2002 2000 1999
Délivré: avr. 28, 2000
Équipe de projet: Marianne Douglas, Darlene Lim, John Glew, Neal Michelutti

Objectif(s): The overall goals of this project are to understand the present day water quality of arctic lakes and ponds and to attempt to determine if the water quality of these sites are changing as a result of, for example recent climate change or other disturbanc

Description du projet: The overall goals of this project are to understand the present day water quality of arctic lakes and ponds and to attempt to determine if the water quality of these sites is changing as a result of, for example recent climate change or other disturbances. This study has been going on for a number of years and data collected in the western Arctic will be compared to results from the eastern Arctic. During 2000 the research team will stay about ten days at Parks Canada - Green Cabin. During this time researchers will visit approximately 20 ponds, streams and lakes within walking distance base camp. At each location a small quantity of water and mud will be sampled.