Gwich'in Knowledge of the Land
chercheur principal: Main Johnson, Leslie (2)
Nᵒ de permis: 13018
Organisation: University of Alberta
Année(s) de permis: 2000 1999
Délivré: janv. 27, 1999
Équipe de projet: local summer students and translators

Objectif(s): The objectives of this project are to document and understand 1) Gwich'in perspectives of the land; 2) Gwich'in view of the land; 3) Gwich'in use of the land; 4) traditional ecological knowledge; 5) resource use/occurrence in different areas; 6) habitats of plants and animals and 7) relationship of people to the land. The project will document traditional knowledge of the land and how people historically used it and perceived it. By documenting the knowledge it will be possible in the future to develop educational videos or school curricula with information from this project. Traditional knowledge about the land and the way people used the land will assist Gwich'in organizations and co-management boards to understand traditional land management and provide insights into current land management issues and programs. The project will complement existing TEK work completed by the GRRB and GSCI.

Description du projet: The objectives of this project are to document and understand 1) Gwich'in perspectives of the land; 2) Gwich'in view of the land; 3) Gwich'in use of the land; 4) traditional ecological knowledge; 5) resource use/occurrence in different areas; 6) habitats of plants and animals and 7) relationship of people to the land. The researcher will talk with Elders and other people who are knowledgeable about the Land and making trips on the land. The Elders words will be documented and photographs or videos taken of trips. Copies of tapes and videotapes from Ft.McPherson would be sent to the GSCI, to the language centre and/or the RRC in Ft. McPherson and to the people who contributed to the project. These materials can be used to develop school curriculum materials for teaching and may be helpful in land management issues. Elders and other participants will be consulted about how they want to use the information they share and permission will be obtained to use any information in the final report and other written or public materials.