Community Based Monitoring

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: health, social sciences, community based monitoring

chercheur principal: Parlee, Brenda L (25)
Nᵒ de permis: 12885
Organisation: Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
Année(s) de permis: 1996
Délivré: juil. 24, 1996
Équipe de projet: Lutsel K'e Community Researcher, Lutsel K'e Wildlife/Land and Environmental Committee, Health Committee

Objectif(s): Using a three phase model, this project will help develop a Community Based Monitoring System in the Slave Geological Province. This approach is a community controlled way of developing indicators and monitoring community health within the communities of the Slave Geological Province. Such baseline data would provide Aboriginal people with greater knowledge of changes occurring within their community and a reference point for decision making and action. In addition, it would foster better communication between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people as they seek to cooperatively address issues of community health and mineral development.

Description du projet: The three phase research model involves interviews, workshops and/or small working group discussions, literacy training, the development of community health indicators and of long term data gathering tools. Once established, the community based monitoring project will continue for an additional 9 months under the direction of the Community Researcher.