Thematic Structural , Stratigraphic and Geochronlogical Studies of the Slave Structural Province
chercheur principal: Bleeker, Wouter (7)
Nᵒ de permis: 12869
Organisation: Geological Survey of Canada
Année(s) de permis: 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994
Délivré: juin 10, 1996
Équipe de projet: One student assistant/volunteer

Objectif(s): To improve the geological understanding of the area northeast of Yellowknife and the Slave Province in general. Traverses are made on foot from a small mobile campsite that is moved weekly from lake to lake. Small rock samples are collected and archived. Data are plotted on maps/airphotos and will be published for public use.

Description du projet: The researchers will map and describe the various rock types and asses their role in a complex geological history. Fly-in/fly-out camps will small planes and small campsites to make daily traverses to study local rocks.