Structure and Stratifigraphy of the Indin Lake Greenstone Belt (detailed bedrock mapping)
chercheur principal: Pehrsson, Sally J (7)
Nᵒ de permis: 12868
Organisation: Geological Surveys of Canada
Année(s) de permis: 1996 1995 1994
Délivré: juin 10, 1996
Équipe de projet: Self

Objectif(s): To conduct a detailed bedrock mapping study, with associated geochemistry and geochronology sampling. This is to be accomplished by boat and foot traverse with fixed and rotary wing support. Data will be entered digitally to include in computer map compilation. A report of summer's work will be published in January, 1997 and an oral presentation will be given at the Yellowknife Geoscience Forum.

Description du projet: This will be the final summer of work for this phase of mapping in Indin Lake. The mapping data (including structural, petrological, geochemical &geochronological) will enable a detailed geological history of the project area to be constructed. This will include timing of major events, including volcanism, plutonism and sedimentation, and subsequent deformation. The results will be presented in a Ph.D. thesis. Transportation will be by boat and foot traverse with occasional float plane or helicopter flights.