Fire regimes in the western boreal forest and post-fire dynamics of the forest: implications for forest fire management and climate change.

Régions: Dehcho Region, South Slave Region

étiquettes: soil, stratigraphy, peatlands, sediment core sampling, morphology

chercheur principal: Wein, Ross (17)
Nᵒ de permis: 12800
Organisation: University of Alberta
Année(s) de permis: 1995
Délivré: janv. 01, 1995
Équipe de projet: R. Gal, I. Nader, B. Sanders, M. Liston, H. Brungs, Q. Botroff, S. Dedio, L. Wood, D. Wein, S. Nalder.

Objectif(s): To investigate the interaction between fire, forest development and climate change in the western boreal forest of Canada and assess the implications for forest management. The research in the NWT is one segment of a multi-year research program which also includes areas in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Description du projet: The researchers will sample 200-300 forest stands in Wood Buffalo National Park and surrounding areas as well as in the Fort Simpson area. A number of measurements will be taken in each site as well as soil cores and sections of decomposing logs and snages. These will be taken to the U. of A. for analysis. In addition, sediment cores will be taken in lake sediment and/or peatlands for stratigraphy and morphology analysis.