Régions: South Slave Region
étiquettes: contaminants, aquatic ecosystems, biology, fish sampling, sediment, sediment quality, invertebrates, organic contaminants
chercheur principal: | Evans, Marlene S. (54) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 12772 |
Organisation: | National Hydrology Research Institute, Northern River Basin Study |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | janv. 01, 1995 |
Équipe de projet: | R. Bourbonniere, D. Muir, L. Lockheart |
Objectif(s): To investigate organic contaminant concentrations in surface sediments; to examine historical deposition rates of sediments in 2-3 regions of Great Slave Lake (Fort Resolution, Lutsel K'e); to investigate organic contaminant concentrations in invertebrate and fish samples.
Description du projet: The researchers will collect samples of sediments from the bottom of Great Slave Lake at sites near Fort Resolution and Lutsel K'e. This data will allow a better understanding of how fast sediments are deposited on the lake bottom in various regions. Researchers will also collect invertebrates and fish samples as part of an overall study of contaminants in the lake's ecosystem.