Régions: Gwich'in Settlement Area
étiquettes: climatology, biology, climate change, trees, tree growth, plant growth
chercheur principal: | MacDonald, Glen M (9) |
Nᵒ de permis: | 12437 |
Organisation: | McMaster University |
Année(s) de permis: |
Délivré: | janv. 01, 1993 |
Équipe de projet: | J.M. Szeicz, M. Lundberg |
Objectif(s): To determine the relationships between climate and tree growth by reconstructing past climate changes from tree rings; to further our understanding of the potential magnitude and impact of climate change.
Description du projet: As part of an on-going study, this research will involve collecting cores from trees located in the Campbell-Dolomite Uplands (near Campbell Lake). This data will be added to data collected in other locations (past studies) in order to determine how past climate has influenced the growth of trees (as indicated by tree rings within the tree trunk). The research is helpful in trying to understand how future changes in climate make affect plant growth in the north.