Geology of the Takijuq Lake Greenstone Belt

Régions: Kitikmeot, Nunavut

étiquettes: physical sciences, geology, rock, mapping, mineral potential

chercheur principal: Gebert, James (3)
Nᵒ de permis: 12178
Organisation: EMPR-GNWT
Année(s) de permis: 1992 1991 1990
Délivré: janv. 01, 1992
Équipe de projet: Deborah Stephensen

Objectif(s): To map the Takijuq Lake greenstone belt at 1:50,000 scale.

Description du projet: The researcher and his team will produce a 1:50,000 scale geology map of the Takijuq Lake greenstone belt, and report on the mineral potential of the area.