Geology of the Wijinnedi Lake Map Area, District of Mackenzie

Régions: North Slave Region

étiquettes: physical sciences, geology, rock, mapping, mineral deposit, geological history, geologic origins

chercheur principal: Henderson, John B. (1)
Nᵒ de permis: 12124
Organisation: Continental Geoscience Division, GSC
Année(s) de permis: 1992
Délivré: janv. 01, 1992
Équipe de projet: Self

Objectif(s): To produce a geological map and report on the geology of the Wijinnedi Lake map area;

Description du projet: The research will collect information to produce maps which outline the distribution of various rock types, attempting to show their relationship to each other in order to understand their history, how they orignially formed and what has happened to them between then and now. This data will also assist in the search for mineral deposits in the study area.