Inuit Traditional and Modern Leadership from the Shamans' era to the up-coming self-government period; (2) Inuit Leaders, in the new political development

Régions: Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

étiquettes: social sciences, anthropology, traditional knowledge, politics, spiritual beliefs, Inuit, religion, leadership

chercheur principal: D'Anglure, Bernard Saladin (12)
Nᵒ de permis: 12102
Organisation: Groupe d'Etudes Inuit et Circumpolaires, Universite Laval
Année(s) de permis: 1992
Délivré: janv. 01, 1992
Équipe de projet: F. Morin

Objectif(s): To study the General Assembly of ICC; to study the Inuit leadership, looking on leaders' lifestory and socialization; to study the religious and political components of Inuit leadership in both the traditional and modern perspectives;

Description du projet: The research will involve the study of Inuit leaders and political development. How one became a leader among the Inuit, traditionally and in the present time using factors such as kinship, leadership, personal performance, authority and religious power will be be investigated.