Paleoclimatic Significance of Laminated Lake Sediments in the Canadian High Arctic

Régions: Qikiqtaaluk Region, Nunavut

étiquettes: physical sciences, climatology, sedimentology, sediment, paleoclimatology, paleoenvironment

chercheur principal: Retelle, Michael J. (6)
Nᵒ de permis: 11132
Organisation: Bates College; University of Massachusetts
Année(s) de permis: 1992 1991 1990
Délivré: janv. 01, 1991
Équipe de projet: D. Hardy; J. Hardy; P. Freidman; M. Glos

Objectif(s): To recover sediment cores from high arctic lake basins; to interpret the detailed records from the lake sediments in light of modern processes and climatic conditions that will be observed through the summer melt season.

Description du projet: The Researcher will gather information from sediment cores to reconstruct climatic conditions.