3 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Jacobson, Roy" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés): Vous ne trouvez pas les résultats souhaités? Essayez la recherche avancée..
chercheur principal:Jacobson, Roy Année(s) de permis:
To continue a study of how the land and its resources (principally wildlife) are used in the day to day life of the residents of the communities. Discussions with the HTA's will center on the areas of Melville, Prince of Wales and Bathurt Islands....
chercheur principal:Jacobson, Roy Année(s) de permis:
To undertake a study of how the land and its resources (wildlife principally) are utilized in the day to day life of the residents of the communities....
chercheur principal:Jacobson, Roy Année(s) de permis:
To conduct aerial surveys and ground inspections of wildlife and wildlife habitat for the Canada Land Inventory....