2 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Johnstone, Robin" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés): Vous ne trouvez pas les résultats souhaités? Essayez la recherche avancée..
chercheur principal:Johnstone, Robin Année(s) de permis:
The proposed field program is designed to provide information on fish habitat and wildlife in the area of three exploratory petroleum well sites and along their respective access routes in the Fort Liard/Nahanni Butte area. Researchers will travel to the well sites and along access routes sites by helicopter with survey work carried out by air, small boat and on foot. Fish habitat assessments, wa...
chercheur principal:Johnstone, Robin Année(s) de permis:
The proposed field program is designed to provide site-specific information on stream crossings, for planned improvements to the Mackenzie Valley winter road route. Researchers will travel to the crossing sites by helicopter from the closest community. At each crossing location, habitat assessments, water quality samples and fish census techniques (outlined in the DFO fisheries research permit) m...