3 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Richard, Pierre" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Beaufort Sea beluga satellite tagging program
chercheur principal: Richard, Pierre
Année(s) de permis: 1993
Résumé: Beluga whales will be herded into shallow waters with boats and kept there for a short period of time. Whale size and sex will be determined and a small sample of skin will be taken for DNA analysis. Satellite tags will be attached to the dorsal ridge area of ten whales. These tags will allow the researchers to locate the whales' movements and diving patterns over the next several months....

North Water Beluga Survey
chercheur principal: Richard, Pierre
Année(s) de permis: 1993
Résumé: The North Water Survey for beluga will involve the use of satellite images to locate open water, and photography to instantly record large numbers of beluga and other marine mammals sighted. Work will be conducted out of Resolute and Pond Inlet, and the survey will take in all areas of open water north of 73'00 latitude. The survey is a result of a recommendation by the 1992 Canada/Greenland Com...

a) Distribution and Abundance of Walrus in Northern Hudson Bay and Foxe Basin b) Distribution and Abundance of Beluga in Southeast Baffin Island
chercheur principal: Richard, Pierre
Année(s) de permis: 1990
Résumé: The researcher and team will continue their study to census walrus in the area of northern Hudson Bay and beluga in the area of southeast Baffin Island. Using remote sensing tools and twin otter aircraft they will census portions of the range of walrus and beluga to determine their distribution and abundance....