2 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Jones, Paul" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés): Vous ne trouvez pas les résultats souhaités? Essayez la recherche avancée..
chercheur principal:Jones, Paul D Année(s) de permis:2022202120192017201620152014
The SWEEP program is being used to establish a community based environmental monitoring program in the Slave River and delta. The project has been funded for 2 years by the Canadian Water Network (CWN) to develop a new 'node' for community based monitoring which is harmonized with those already established by other CWN projects. SWEEP will develop a suite of both 'community based' and 'western s...
chercheur principal:Jones, Paul D Année(s) de permis:20132012
The objective of the project is to study the health of the fish in the Slave River and at the Slave River Delta. A number of different fish species will be collected to study metals, organic contaminants, gene expression and histology.
The study focuses on the potential stresses that fish in the region are exposed to, by analyzing gene expression (RNA), metals, and organic contaminants (includi...