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physical sciences 
ancient reefs 
fossil coral reefs 

4 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Narbonne, Guy" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Behavioral analysis of trace fossils at the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary
chercheur principal: Narbonne, Guy
Année(s) de permis: 2013 2012
Résumé: The world’s earliest animals appeared in the Ediacaran Period about 580 million years ago, and soft worm-like animals capable of movement appeared suddenly worldwide 555 million years ago. Previous studies (Narbonne and Aitken, Palaeontology, 1990; MacNaughton and Narbonne, Palaios, 1999; Narbonne, The Rise of Animals, 2007) have shown that these fossils are especially well represented in the Mac...

Precambrian reefs on Victoria Island
chercheur principal: Narbonne, Guy
Année(s) de permis: 1996
Résumé: Study 800 million year old fossil reefs near Wynniatt Bay on Victoria Island. Will fly to the site using Polar Shelf Twin-Otter aircraft. Measurements and pictures will be taken of the rocks and about 100 kg of rock samples will be collected with a hammer. The rock samples will be studied back at the university....

Middle Proterozoic reefs on northern Baffin Island
chercheur principal: Narbonne, Guy
Année(s) de permis: 1994 1993
Résumé: The origins of the fossilized reefs located on northern Baffin Island are unknown; however, these reefs are contained within rock that is dated approximately 1200 million years old. Studies on `younger' fossilized reefs from other areas in the Canadian Shield suggest that the Baffin Island reefs may contain clues as to what the first types of reefs were like. The researchers will survey the site...

Ediacaran fossils of the Mackenzie Mountains, NWT
chercheur principal: Narbonne, Guy
Année(s) de permis: 2001 1999 1998 1996 1994 1992 1991 1989 1988
Résumé: Dr. Narbonne will be collecting fossils of animals living in this area long ago....