2 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Coulthard, Glen" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés): Vous ne trouvez pas les résultats souhaités? Essayez la recherche avancée..
chercheur principal:Coulthard, Glen Année(s) de permis:
The goal is to enhance effective, equitable Indigenous co-governance of water resources through pursuing the following objectives:
1) to critically conceptualize the potential for reciprocal coordination of, and complementarity between, evolving common ("Western") and Indigenous water law and governance frameworks;
2) to develop innovative methods for co-researching Indigenous Water Governance...
chercheur principal:Coulthard, Glen Année(s) de permis:
The objectives of this research project are to:
1) document, evaluate and support the development of Dechinta Bush University Centre for Research and Learning; Including:
A. governance practices, institutional structures and partnerships,
B. teaching quality,
C. the integration of land-based learning with university programming,
D. students' personal and academic development and success, ...