5 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "St-Onge, Denis" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Geological survey of map sheets 87A (western portion) and 87B (eastern third)
chercheur principal: St-Onge, Denis A.
Année(s) de permis: 1988
Résumé: Mr. St-Onge will be collecting rocks to see how old they are and how they were formed....

Licence #5050
chercheur principal: St-Onge, Denis A.
Année(s) de permis: 1985
Résumé: To collect small specimens, mostly of unconsolidated sediments, in order to determine their nature, origin and age....

Licence #2778
chercheur principal: St-Onge, Denis A.
Année(s) de permis: 1982
Résumé: To continue a study of specific geological deposits (quaternary). Samples will be taken for dating, cataloguing and further lab analysis....

Licence #2667
chercheur principal: St-Onge, Denis A.
Année(s) de permis: 1981
Résumé: To continue a study of specific geological deposits (Quaternary). Samples will be taken for dating, cataloguing and further lab analysis....

Licence #2573
chercheur principal: St-Onge, Denis A.
Année(s) de permis: 1980
Résumé: To determine the extent of Glacial Lake Coppermine and study its formation, history, length of existence, and plant and animal life....