Fortune Minerals Nico and Dianne Lake Baseline Survey
Principal Investigator: Schryer, Rick P. (9)
Licence Number: 12989
Organization: Golder Associates
Licensed Year(s): 1998
Issued: Jul 11, 1998
Project Team: Hilary Machtans, Laurie Buckland

Objective(s): Golder Associates has been contracted on behalf of Fortune Minerals to conduct preliminary baseline studies at Fortune's Nico and Dianne Lake properties. The objective of these initial studies is to determine the presence or absence of fish and wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project area. A literature search for registered archeological sites within the proposed project area is also planned. The information from these initial studies will help in planning a full baseline survey of the project areas. Currently there is little information on fish and wildlife in the proposed project area. The aquatics work consists of three components: fish, water quality and sediment quality. The objective of the fisheries survey is to determine fish species presence and relative abundance. The objective of the water and sediment survey is to document baseline water and sediment quality from lakes within the proposed project area.

Project Description: The objective of these studies is to determine the presence or absence of fish and wildlife in the vicinity of the proposed project area. A literature search for registered archeological sites within the proposed project area is also planned. A literature review will be done to document any existing information on fish populations in the region. A preliminary survey of physical, chemical and biological features of these lakes will also be performed. A total of 7 lakes will be examined. Five of these are located in the region of Lou Lake (Lou Lake will be included). The other lakes are in the region of Dianne Lake. Access to lakes is by plane. Aquatics field work will be performed from a small boat. The field crew will camp at an existing campsite near Lou Lake and Dianne Lake. Water samples will be collected from each lake in the deepest basin. A preliminary bathymetry survey will help determine most appropriate sampling sites. One sample to be taken from each lake that is not thermally stratified. Water to be analyzed for metal content, nutrients, alkalinity, hardness and major ions. Standard limnological measures of pH, conductivity, TDS, temperature & oxygen also to be done. Sediment samples to be taken in same area to be analyzed for metal content, total organic carbon, particle size & major ions. Fisheries work will involve capture using standard gang gill nets. Minnow traps and seine nets also used to capture juvenile fish and minnows. Fish will be captured, measured and released unharmed. Will determine length of time spent gill netting for calculation of Catch-Per-Unit-Effort, habitats sampled for fish, number of fish caught and mesh size used, species caught, state of maturity and sex, weight, fork length, aging structure, and external health.