Community development in Porcupine caribou co-management
Principal Investigator: Kofinas, Gary P (4)
Licence Number: 12603
Organization: University of British Columbia
Licensed Year(s): 1994
Issued: Jan 01, 1994
Project Team: self

Objective(s): To study community involvment in co-management decision making and its relationship to the sustainability of human-caribou interactions; to determine what factors influence community involvement in co-management, how these factors influence management outcomes, and how community members evaluate their involvment in co-management.

Project Description: The aim of this project is to analyze the participation of community members in decision-making for the purposes of co-managing the Porcupine caribou herd. The study will examine the costs and benefits of community involvement, the role of information and communication in decision-making, and the effectiveness of this management system in meeting community needs. The study will include the communities of Old Crow, Aklavik and Fort McPherson.