What is a narwhale worth? Forces driving the narwhale hunt in the eastern Canadian Arctic: Their dynamics and management for conservation.
Principal Investigator: Reeves, Randall (1)
Licence Number: 10207
Organization: Department of Geography, McGill University
Licensed Year(s): 1990
Issued: Jan 01, 1990
Project Team: Self

Objective(s): To examine why people have hunted and continue to hunt narwhales and how various deliberate management measures have influenced narwhale hunting, their populations and their use by the Inuit.

Project Description: The purpose of this study is to understand the historical and present-day dynamics of narwhale hunting. In addition, Inuit hunter and government resource managers have a common interest in ensuring that these marine mammals are harvested at sustainable levels and that product markets remain stable. The succuss of this management strategy will be reviewed.