2 record(s) found for principal investigator "Hutchinson, Tom" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Licence #4092
Principal Investigator: Hutchinson, Tom
Licensed Year(s): 1984
Summary: To continue studies of the Smoking Hills into the nature of the adaptations by which aquatic biota and tundra plants survive the intense acidic fumigations from the burning cliffs. Focus will be on the algae and zooplankton of tundra ponds and samples will be taken for identification by microscopic study on the spot and others preserved for later identification....

Licence #2120
Principal Investigator: Hutchinson, Tom
Licensed Year(s): 1977
Summary: To develop a practical and economic method of revegetation of "difficult" tailings and mine sites in the N.W.T., using acid and metal tolerant vegetation growing naturally at the highly stressed Smoking Hills area of Cape Bathurst, N.W.T....