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2 record(s) found for principal investigator "Hebert, Paul D.N." (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Genetic Diversity in Arctic Zooplankton and Ecological Factors Limiting Zooplankton Distributions
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992
Summary: The researcher and his team will measure the amount of genetic diversity in arctic zooplankton, determine distributions and numbers of species in arctic lakes and ascertain factors limiting species distributions in the arctic....

Studies on genetic diversity in freshwater invertebrates and lake trout, at a high arctic site.
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To continue work on the genetics and ecology of arctic freshwater organisms during 1987. To assess the levels of genetic diversity in ostracode populations, distributional patterns of the dominant ostracodes, while supplementary studies will examine the ecology of ostracode crustaceans and turbellarian flatworms. In addition small samples (5-10 individuals)of Salvelinus namaycush will be obtaine...