5 record(s) found for principal investigator "Hebert, Paul D.N." (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Distribution, Systematics and Genetic Structure of Arctic Zooplankton.
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1994 1992
Summary: The research involves the use of helicopters with floats to sample the animal life present in lakes on the Melville Peninsula and northwestern Baffin Island. Most of our work will concentrate on the capture of zooplankton, small animals which foram an important part of the diet of young fish. After the collections are made, the samples are taken back to the Igloolik labratory, where they are sor...

Distribution, systematics and genetic structure of western arctic zooplankton species
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1993
Summary: Zooplankton will be collected from lakes and ponds located along a transect between Paulatuk and Shingle Point (Yukon). The specimens that are collected will be identified according to species type and genetic analyses will be performed to determine what species are interbreeding to produce hybrid organisms. Knowledge about zooplankton is important as many organisms (such as fish) depend on thes...

Studies on genetic diversity in freshwater invertebrates and lake trout, at a high arctic site.
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1987
Summary: To continue work on the genetics and ecology of arctic freshwater organisms during 1987. To assess the levels of genetic diversity in ostracode populations, distributional patterns of the dominant ostracodes, while supplementary studies will examine the ecology of ostracode crustaceans and turbellarian flatworms. In addition small samples (5-10 individuals)of Salvelinus namaycush will be obtaine...

Licence #2683
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1981
Summary: To continue a study of phyto and zooplankton....

Licence #2593
Principal Investigator: Hebert, Paul D.N.
Licensed Year(s): 1980
Summary: To undertake a study of the genetics and ecology of very small organisms in freshwater lakes and rivers. The organisms (zooplankton) will be sampled and catalogued for identification purposes....