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oral history 
traditional knowledge 
land use 
knowledge transfer 
social sciences 
place names 

2 Dossier(s) trouvé(s) pour le chercheur principal "Nagy, Murielle" (les projets pluriannuels sont regroupés):
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Aulavik Oral History Project
chercheur principal: Nagy, Murielle
Année(s) de permis: 1996
Résumé: We will record interviews with Inuvialuit elders from February 19 to 25 in Inuvik; February 26 to March 7 in Sachs Harbour; March 11 - 21 in Holman. The interviews will then be translated into English and transcribed into Inuvialuktun. Interviews will resume in Tuktoyaktuk from June 10-16; in Sachs Harbour June 17-July 8; and in Inuvik from July 9-13. While in Sachs Harbour, Inuvialuit elders w...

Yukon North Slope Cultural Resources Survey
chercheur principal: Nagy, Murielle
Année(s) de permis: 1991
Résumé: In conjunction with the Inuvialuit Social Development Program, the Researchers will gather the oral history concerning the lives of Inuvialuit along the Yukon North Slope. They will document post-contact aboriginal land use as recorded in historic sites, graves, resource extraction areas, caches, look-outs, trails, place names and gathering places in the Yukon North Slope....