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3 record(s) found for principal investigator "Kustan, Ed" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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O-80 Environmental Site Assessment 2005
Principal Investigator: Kustan, Ed
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The field will be accessed from Fort Liard via the barge. The individual sites will be accessed via truck. At the site, researchers will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or s...

K-29 Environmental Site Assessment 2005
Principal Investigator: Kustan, Ed
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The field will be accessed from Fort Liard via the barge. The individual sites will be accessed via truck. At the site, researchers will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or s...

O-35 Environmental Site Assessment 2005
Principal Investigator: Kustan, Ed
Licensed Year(s): 2005
Summary: The research team, including an environmental consultant, a technician, and a member of the local community, will access the site and assess the site conditions. The researchers will access the site via helicopter and will complete a walk around of the site including the site facilities and surrounding area. Should any soil or surface water be identified as a concern, a sample will be obtained and...