2 record(s) found for principal investigator "Lambert Koizumi, Catherine" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Traditional Ecological Knowledge of Dall Sheep, Grizzly Bears and Wolves in the Richardson Mountains
Principal Investigator: Lambert Koizumi, Catherine
Licensed Year(s): 2008
Summary: This research aims to document and analyze local and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TK) on Dall sheep, grizzly bears, and wolves in the Richardson Mountains. Information on population trends, habitat use, diet, predation, hunting, diseases, relations with other species, viability and conservation will be examined through semi-directed, open-ended interviews with knowledgeable elders and active...

Dall’s Sheep, Grizzly Bears and Wolves interactions in the Gwich’in Settlement Area: Traditional Knowledge and Climate Monitoring
Principal Investigator: Lambert Koizumi, Catherine
Licensed Year(s): 2010 2008 2006
Summary: The proposed project aims to: 1) update and expand important baseline information on Dall’s sheep, grizzly bears, and wolves, which will contribute to the revision of grizzly and Dall's sheep management plan; 2) understand the interactions between those species; 3) evaluate the effect of habitat features and climate on those interactions; and 4) document traditional knowledge about Dall's sheep, g...