3 record(s) found for principal investigator "Armstrong, Allison" (multi-year projects are grouped):
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Monitoring Program for the Misery Site Surplus Water Atomization Project
Principal Investigator: Armstrong, Allison
Licensed Year(s): 2003
Summary: The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board has authorized the discharge of a small amount of water through an experimental water treatment system. This system sprays water into the air and onto the tundra. It is anticipated that the water that is discha...

Desperation Pond and Carrie Pond Fish Transfer Program
Principal Investigator: Armstrong, Allison
Licensed Year(s): 2001
Summary: The capture and processing of fishes, including biological data collection, sample analysis, and recording of field data are the responsibility of BHP based on DFO approved methods described herein. The Project Biologist will be at site during crew training, to participate in the collection of data and to ensure the quality of data. The Project Biologist will also be responsible for collating an...

Sable and Two-Rock Lake Fish-Out
Principal Investigator: Armstrong, Allison
Licensed Year(s): 2002 2001
Summary: The objective of the fish-out is to provide scientifically defensible data to: (1) quantify fish production, fish habitat and productivity of the intermediate trophic levels (primary and secondary producers); (2) establish linkages between fish habitat and fish productivity in Sable and Two-Rock Lakes; (3) establish a reference database through which comparisons among lakes can be conducted; and (...